Invited Talk on “Functional materials for Water Purification”, International Conference on Separation and Purification Technology, IIT Patna, Bihta, Bihar, 2023.
Invited lecture on “Functional materials for Varied Application”, GESET-2023, Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2023.
Invited lecture on " Understanding Materials Through Thermal Analysis", WAICEE, BITS Pilani, 2023.
Invited lecture on "Functional materials for Varied Application", IIT Ropar, Ropar, Punjab, 2023.
Invited Talk on "MATLAB for Chemical Engineers" at Equilibrio-Technical Festival, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, 2022
Invited Talk on "Alumni Association of Heritage Institute of Technology", 2021
Invited lecture on "Domestic and Industrial Water and Wastewater Treatment", during online faculty development programme organized by BVRIT, Hyderabad, 2020.
Invited lecture "Functional materials for water purification", BIO-Enve lecture series, Chemical Engineering Department, BITS Pilani, 2019.
Invited lecture "Functional materials for water purification", Chemical Engineering Department, IIT Hyderabad, 2019.
Invited lecture on “Separation methods involved in purification of water stream” at Ishan Vikas Programme (comprehensive programme to introduce school children from the North Eastern states to higher education institutes in India) for the consecutive years 2015 and 2016.
Journal Editor- Materials Today Proceedings- International Conference on Nanotechnology for Sustainable Living and Environment (ICON NSLE-2022)
Invited Reviewer-Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering; Journal of Food Science and Technology; Bulletin of Material Science; Journal of Cleaner Production; South African Journal of Chemical Engineering, Electrochimica Acta
Top 10 downloaded article in Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, RSC, journal’s "2015 most downloaded collection" for published article "Adsorptive removal of arsenic from groundwater using a novel high flux polyacrylonitrile (PAN)- laterite mixed matrix ultrafiltration membrane", 2015.
"Certificate of Achievement" by EU-India STI cooperation and innovation council, NGRI, Hyderabad, 2012.
"Certificate of Achievement" by National Entrepreneurship Network, Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, 2010.